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What Is The Average Life Of A Mobility Scooter?

What Is The Average Life Of A Mobility Scooter?

How Durable Are Mobility Scooters?

With the right care, a mobility scooter can last up to five years. Because you will rely on the mobility aid, proper maintenance will help you get the most out of it.

Most manufacturers of mobility scooters offer a guidebook outlining the best ways to use it. So, if you stick to the directions, the electric mobility scooter will work for you trouble-free. For more on top outdoor all terrain mobility scooters visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.

How Long Does a Mobility Scooter Battery Typically Last?

Power wheelchair batteries of the highest caliber can operate continuously for 45min to 1 hour. During this time, you might have traveled six to ten miles. Heavy-duty powered mobility equipment can run continuously for an entire day. However, the type, quantity, and size of the batteries affect the lengthened usage time.

How Can I Extend the Life of a Mobility Scooter?

People with impairments can overcome mobility problems and lead active lifestyles with the aid of an electric scooter. In order to prevent frequent breakdowns, it is important for mobility scooter drivers to adhere to the optimum usage guidelines.

Here are some helpful hints for maintaining the condition of your power chair.

1. Keep The Machine Tidy

With continuous use, the mobility aid is typically prone to becoming soiled. Its effectiveness will gradually decrease due to filth and grime buildup, necessitating expensive maintenance.

The ideal method for maintaining the cleanliness of the gadget is to clean the outside components with a soft, wet cotton cloth. Clean the area with compressed air and look for hairs tangled around the wheel axles.

2. Have Frequent Maintenance

An extended shelf life is promised to the user of an assisted mobility gadget who maintains it regularly. Depending on how often you use it, regular maintenance sessions can help you find issues before they arise. These discussions might assist you in deciding whether to get a new battery or tires. And when you prepare to replace your scooter’s battery, buy high-quality items to prevent problems in the near future.

3. Do Not Strain The Scooter

Mobility scooter users can put their equipment under stress in a variety of ways, such as by carrying too much weight or traveling over unsuitable terrain. The majority of mobility scooter manufacturers include the device’s weight capacity.

The motor of a scooter must work harder when operating on rough terrain. Fortunately, by adhering to the suggested weights and staying on flat surfaces, you can prevent these stress-causing factors.

The scooter’s electrical components will be harmed if you ride on hazardous surfaces like deep puddles. Although some scooter models can withstand water contact, moisture should be avoided as it reduces the device’s effectiveness.

4. Verify the Battery’s Excellent Health

The majority of electric scooters and wheelchairs use a 24-volt serial circuit system. You can discover gel and absorbent glass matt (AGM) batteries for mobility scooters.

Generally speaking, even while the mobility scooter is not in use, keep the battery levels high. By doing this, you can keep the batteries running at their best without having to charge them frequently.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.

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